Our higher education system in the new decade

With the current Covid-19 pandemic taking up the majority of the news, it is easy to forget that Malaysia’s 11th Economic Plan, which began in 2016, is set to end this year. Among its other pillars, one of the main pillars in the former legisative’s mid-term review was the focus on “empowering human capital”.

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Dear MPs, stop promoting the misogynist and seniority mindset in our society

Many youths believe that an MP should respect everyone regardless of their sex, age and race. At times, however, we are sorely disappointed. The recent parliamentary sitting on 13th July exemplifies the problematic misogynist and seniority mindset in our society.

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Read more about the article Malaysia’s centrist economic model: Achieving equitable growth with free markets
Source: Mohd Ezairi Mohd Amiruddin

Malaysia’s centrist economic model: Achieving equitable growth with free markets

Imagine the Malaysian economy as a vehicle. Then the private sector is the engine, but the government takes the wheel. This leads Malaysia to embrace a duality of capitalistic markets and a generous social welfare state.

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Racism at Home

In her opinion piece to CEKU, Adilla urges everyone to recognise their own individual tendencies to be racist, saying, “we cannot call for racial equality while upholding any form of racial supremacy.”

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