The Relevance of Asian Values in Malaysia’s Human Rights Debate

With the rise of speedy information and awareness in this generation, people are becoming more vocal about human rights. However, there are opposing views with regards to progressing human rights laws in Malaysia, especially from older generations and leaders like Mahathir and Lee Kuan Yew. Believing that human rights would jeopardise the development of the community due to excessive freedom, it is seen as a form of Western imperialism in disguise and Asian countries like Malaysia should stick to Asian Values.

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Diminishing Empathy: Desensitisation, Violence, and the Media

These days, the media is the main source of news and entertainment. With TV shows and video games being at peoples' fingertips, it is easy to become overexposed to content, including those of violent nature. As a result, violence - be it through the news, videos or pictures - is slowly being normalised, and people are gradually becoming numb.

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The Mental Health Crisis: Did Budget 2021 go far enough?

COVID-19 is a health crisis, while it is recognised that it affects a patient’s physical health, do you know that it can have an adverse impact on your mental wellbeing as well? How will the government diversify its resources to combat the rise of mental health issues in the country when COVID cases are persistently high?

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Read more about the article Budget 2021: Our nation’s success or a healthcare sacrifice?
epa08776758 Firemen pray before sanitizing a building in Shah Alam, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27 October 2020. Malaysia has set its highest single-day record of COVID-19 cases on October 27, with 1,240 people who tested positive for coronavirus. EPA-EFE/AHMAD YUSNI

Budget 2021: Our nation’s success or a healthcare sacrifice?

As the worst of the pandemic (hopefully) draws to an end, our country begins preparing for the year ahead. Budget 2021 sees prioritization in Covid-19 recovery at the financial cost of population healthcare. We may be winning the battle, but will we lose the war?

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Our higher education system in the new decade

With the current Covid-19 pandemic taking up the majority of the news, it is easy to forget that Malaysia’s 11th Economic Plan, which began in 2016, is set to end this year. Among its other pillars, one of the main pillars in the former legisative’s mid-term review was the focus on “empowering human capital”.

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Read more about the article Malaysia’s centrist economic model: Achieving equitable growth with free markets
Source: Mohd Ezairi Mohd Amiruddin

Malaysia’s centrist economic model: Achieving equitable growth with free markets

Imagine the Malaysian economy as a vehicle. Then the private sector is the engine, but the government takes the wheel. This leads Malaysia to embrace a duality of capitalistic markets and a generous social welfare state.

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