The Severity of Income Disparity in Malaysia

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all in some way. While some of us are devastated about not being able to go out to makan or lepak, others are not as fortunate. The global pandemic has left the socially disadvantaged bearing the brunt of the pandemic, aggravating the disparities in living standards.

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The Homeless Populace and Mental Health

With the current outrage surrounding COVID-19 worldwide, media attention has shifted away from other concerning problems in the heart of our nation, Kuala Lumpur. How does our nation plan to mitigate the rising number of homeless people and what can we do to ensure that they get the mental health attention that they need?

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Understanding COVID-19

The diseases caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2 is named as COVID-19. It is a large family of viruses that have caused illness from the common cold to more severe ones such as MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. SARS-CoV-2, is a new strand of zoonotic virus (able to jump from animal to human) and is believed to originate from the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan, China. The fatality of this virus highly depends on the condition of the patient itself.

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How the Abolition of BIPK affects Malaysia’s Medical Field

What is the reason for an uproar from Malaysian youths, especially the doctors in the country, who are opposing the allowance cuts? Are our number of existing positions in public healthcare actually ‘sufficient’ to fulfill the nation’s needs? What current situation and other persisting issues in the medical field may have contributed to the abolition of BIPK?

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