Have an opinion? Share it with us!

Submission Guidelines

At CEKU, we pride our articles in being informative, sharp, hollistic, creative and opinionated. We expect your article to be backed up by quantitative or qualitative research, and that you consider both sides of the story to give a fair assessment of any topic. At the same time, get your creative juices churning; a CEKU article is equally as captivating as it is technical. Be calculated with your literary device, do not be overly excited with it. We appreciate good flair when we spot one, not when it clouds our vision.

Here are some guidelines to help you write, what is in our opinion, a good article. You can find a more comprehensive writing guide at https://tinyurl.com/ceku-writing-guide

Level of Depth
1) Robust and relevent data to support your argument
2) Balance between informative and descriptive writing
3) Provide a thorough understanding of a topic

1) Avoid using jargon and unnecessarily complicated diction
2) Coherent structure and easily comprehensible

1) Provide adequate analysis to both sides of the coin
2) Take a stance at the end of the article, or prompt the reader to do so
3) Be clear about what you want your reader to take away or ponder about


Creativity & Flair
1) Authenticity and clever usage of literary devices are always appreciated

2) Personality shown implicitly through written work

For any questions, please reach out to our Editor in Chief, Lee Cheng Jie at chengjielee@ukeconline.com.